Every Year Is A Badge of Honor

July 27, 2020

So grateful to be here another year.

Unlike most–I’m proud to get old(er), having a mother that died younger than normal, I wear age with pride.

I feel like with every age, I’m given a badge of honor. A beautiful gift that I get to unwrap.

I couldn’t give two fucks about anti-aging, and I have zero desire to do any nipping, tucking, shrinking or calorie counting.

So don’t come at me (not *you* specifically, speaking ambiguously) with that bullshit of:

“oh you’re almost halfway to 40”

“better freeze your eggs now”

“time to start taking dating seriously”

“you don’t want to end up alone”


I am not a people pleaser.

I don’t make decisions from fear.

I don’t desire to live a life of pressure.

Luckily, in 2020, marriage isn’t the only option for a woman and neither is motherhood.

Today is my day. And I’m celebrating the woman who makes her own decisions, and needs no one else’s approval for them.

You can decide too, and you don’t have to wait on a new year or special day. If this pandemic has taught us nothing else, it’s that life isn’t promised. Every nanosecond is a gift, and we get to choose how we use it. 

We don’t have to be people pleasers (aka undercover liars), we can be truth tellers.


I am proud of the woman that I’ve become and the best is yet to come.

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Hi! I’m Melodee Forbes, and I help leaders declutter their calendar, so they can create more time for self care. I’d be happy to support you in decluttering your physical items and digital systems. You can start to create more self care by clicking here.

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