11 Personal Finance Audiobooks Worth Buying

July 15, 2020

What does money have to do with home living, organizing, self care and leadership? Everything.

Here’s the deal, if you’re struggling with money — it’s limiting your lifestyle (however you define and whatever you desire).

I didn’t grow up with an abundant money mindset, and I’ve become very fascinated by money over the past couple of years and intentionally working to improve and grow my relationship with it (you can read more of the backstory on that in No, You Don’t Have To Make A New Year Resolution To Change Your Life)

So last year I asked my favorite humans on Facebook for money book recommendations and their generosity was amazing. I also did a bit of research myself, because there are different perspectives on money. 

For example, a popular perspective is scrimp, save, don’t enjoy life until you’ve paid off all your debt, have a hefty savings, etc. and there are lots of credit is evil, debit is the devil approaches as well. I was looking for a much more abundant approach with sprinkles of practicality.  

It was also important that each book came in an audiobook format. I do not read personal development or personal finance books while sitting down. I’m usually listening while walking at the park, driving my car, or brushing my teeth. So I went with my gut, made a list and every single book listed is a book that I’ve read (listened to) from cover to cover that I’ve had an aha moment, implemented a practice and listened again.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi — I absolutely love Ramit and his approach to money. He’s hilarious, yet serious and is very methodical. “Do this and it’ll take you 2 hours. Say this and when they rebuttal you, say this.” He has a script for everything. I really think everyone from teenager to millennial needs to read this book. It’s practical, and yet his mindset on money is so abundant. He also isn’t afraid to call you out and make fun of you while doing so, yet it’s done in a way that doesn’t make you feel bad but glad that someones willing to be honest with you. Every week and chapter he has an assignment for you to do. He gives specifics and it’s incredible.

Wealth Can’t Wait by David Osborn and Paul Morris — this book was really confirmation that I had made the right decision to invest in coaching, accountability membership groups, etc. The author really challenges you to magnify your financial goals by 10.

Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup — is a book I revisit often, because like Ramit’s book she gives practical steps, but Kate emphasizes more on the emotional stories & side effects that we tell ourselves when it comes to our relationship with money. This book helped me become unashamed and unapologetic about my love for money and seeing it as a friendship that I can nurture. It’s also why I write 3 things I love about myself everyday, schedule a weekly money date with myself, and have a financial planner. Definitely a book you’ll revisit every year. 

You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero — oh my gosh. I’ve never met Jen in person, but this book is a kick in the pants when it comes to energy. Everytime I listen to the author I get chills, butterflies, and feel like I’m flying. She really hammers on the energy and capacity of money and really challenges you to constantly saturate your environment with abundance, and gives you a framework to do so.

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson — what does a book on sleep have to do with money? Ummm. Who wants to be successful and profitable and die early to do so? Not me. Ha! But seriously, this dude is the shit. He gives so many practical tips on how to amp up your quality of sleep (he shares how it correlates with success + money), and after implementing them I saw a significant difference in my quality of sleep. Also, his voice is soooo alluring. That is all.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown — this book was a hard read, not because what he shares is complex. It’s hard because it’s the very opposite of what we’re taught and praised for in western society.

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker — T. Harv shares how poor people think vs. how rich people think and like Ramit gives an assignment for each chapter and shouts an affirmation after each lesson.

Miracle Morning For Millionaires by Hal Elrod & David Osborn — my favorite line from this book was when the author said, “anytime you hit snooze on your alarm, you’re in resistance to your day” and while I still don’t have meditation down (as I find it very boring), the overall concept of having an intentional morning routine is very helpful.

Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver — this was a weird book, the author shares some crazy shit and it really was mind blowing. And I love it because it challenged and made me feel uncomfortable. I had to relisten to certain chapters, because she’d share a simple story with a powerful meaning that I didn’t catch the first time. She dials in heavily on being open to receiving.

The Latte Factor by David Bach — this book made me fall in love with saving and created a desire in me that made me EAGER to save money from a place of joy. I can’t quite explain it. If you hate fancy terms, unnecessary jargon, love a good story, and you’re short on time — START WITH THIS BOOK. I love it so much. 

Worth It by Amanda Steinberg — unlike most of the other books mentioned, Amanda, comes from a more feminist approach and is dead set on women not being dependent on men to make money and to know their numbers. She also presents a very fun weekend challenge that makes you realize how enjoyment isn’t always tied to spending. 

Dollars Flow To Me Easily by Richard Dotts — we’ve already covered 11 books, and I had to share one more with you! I left it at the end since it’s not an audiobook, and only available in paperback. But it’s a short, life changing read and might possibly be my favorite on the list. This book is so counter to everything you’re taught to believe and the author is really big on you NOT TRYING to implement what he teaches, which drives you bonkers until you actually not try it. I revisit this one often, anytime I’m putting pressure on myself or feeling like I need to force a certain outcome. It allows me to shift back.   

So what do you think. . . have you read any of these money books and which will you dive into first? If you liked this blog and found it helpful, please click the like button at the bottom to let me know.

Hi! I’m Melodee Forbes, and I help leaders declutter their calendar, so they can create more time for self care. I’d be happy to support you in decluttering your physical items and digital systems. You can start to create more self care by clicking here.

  1. Melodee, THANK YOU for these book recommendations! I’m looking forward to checking into them and changing my financial future. Someone recently told me they sense that I have a fear of success. I’m ready to drop that! ?

    • Melodee Forbes says:

      Hi Sarah! It’s my pleasure! So glad you found it helpful, I love every single one of these books, and reference them often. YOU are worth, a powerful financial future. So proud of you for being open to next-level-Sarah! <3

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